The Superposition Principle of Node Current in Linear Network and the Equation for the Node Electric Potential in Broad Sense 线性网络节点电流迭加原理及广义的节点电位方程
Stable production period prediction for gas wells with abnormally high pressure by combining the node analysis with the material balance equation 节点分析与物质平衡方程相结合预测异常高压气井稳产期
At the same time, it analyses the node tolerance with parameter equation on approaching along a straight line with equal step. 同时对具有参数方程形式表示的非圆曲线进行等间距直线逼近的节点误差分析。
A novel method for analyzing observability of PMU placement is presented based on network node equation calculation algorithm, which divides system nodes into dynamic observed nodes and unobserved nodes. 对配置PMU系统,从网络节点方程解算理论入手,提出了系统可观测性判定算法,将系统节点分为动态可观测节点和不可观测节点。
The key to power distribution system is to ignore transient process in this sub-system and to draw the network equivalent circuit diagram, therefore its node voltage equation is algebraic equation. 配电子系统的建模关键是忽略其内部的暂态过程并作出了网络的等值电路图,因而依此建立的节点电压方程为代数方程。
The advantage of this method is that with the constrained point coordinate, the coordinate of every node can be known by solving a linear equation group, and the problem of initial coordinate and nonlinear convergence are avoided. 这种方法的优点是只须给出控制点的坐标通过解一线性方程组就可以得到各结点坐标,避免了初始坐标问题和非线性收敛问题。
Based on the generalized node, the extended KCL equation and the cut set equations, the equations of the generalized node cut set are derived. 通过引入广义节点的概念和运用KCL方程的推广,在割集方程的基础上形成了广义节点割集方程。
For a network with or without controlled source, this paper presents a node equation algorithm with pretreatment in less time during solving a node set of equations in LU analytic method. 本文针对含受控源和不含受控源网络,提出在用LU分解法解节点方程组时,一种预处理时间较少的节点方程算法。
It used symbol to express circuit element's parameters and solved the k-trees of the network, therefore, the symbolic expression of node voltage variables in Node Matrix Equation can be evaluated. 该方法直接将电力网络元件的参数进行符号表达,通过求解网络的k-树,有效地计算出电力网络节点电压方程中各变量的符号表达式。
Nonlinear equation group for multi-pump pipeline system's hydraulic calculation is established on energy balance equation of pump's pipeline system and node flow equation of multi-pump pipeline system. 根据泵管路系统的能量平衡方程及多泵管路系统节点流量方程,建立了多泵管路系统水力计算的非线性方程组。
The nodal potential equation deduced from the generalized circuit may be expressed as follows: The augmented matrix of node potential equation of a generalized circuit is equal to the sum of all the part-matrixes of the circuit elements. 从广义电路上导出的节点电位方程可表述为:广义电路上节点电位方程的增广矩阵等于各单元电路的分矩阵之和;
By combining the node economic equation and boundary head condition, the water supply network mathematical model of economy-technique calculation is made. 联立管网节点经济性方程并引入节点水压边界条件,对给水管网技术经济计算的数学模型采用牛顿迭代法求解各节点经济水压值,得出各管段经济管径。
The node equation set of the electric network is solved on a microcomputer with sparse matrix technique. 本文研究了稀疏矩阵技术在微型机上解电力网络的节点方程组。
This paper derives the recurrence formula of the node voltage equation. 本文导出了节.点电压方程的递推公式。
After a analysis of the typical branch of active network, the mesh equation, node equation, loop equation, cut set equation for active network are given. 在分析两种形式的有源网络典型支路的基础上,把无源网络的网孔方程、节点方程、回路方程、割集方程推广为有源网络下的相应方程。
A node equation algorithm with pretreatment in less time 一种预处理时间较少的节点方程算法
Commonly used methods, the node electrical potential law and the circuit current law, are discussed, which calculate fault parameters based on solutions of the node admittance equation and the node impedance equation. 论述了计算电路常用的节点电位法和回路电流法,即从求解节点导纳方程和节点阻抗方程而计算故障点参数。
The mode equation of the slab Waveguide with Fermi index profile was derived by using the ray theory. Using this Node equation we could exactly determine the mode propagation properties of this kind of waveguides. 运用光线理论导出了Fermi折射率平面光波导的模方程,用此模方程可相当精确地确定这类光波导的模传输特性。
Structural Properties of RLC Networks over F ( z) and Node-voltage Output Equation 域F(z)上RLC网络的结构性质和节点电压输出方程
The calculation method is based on node admittance matrix equation and takes LU factorization algorithm. 运行仿真基于节点导纳矩阵方程的迭代求解,采用了LU三角分解法。
The saddle-node separatrix-loop bifurcation of the differential equation on cylinder 柱面上一类微分方程的鞍结点分界线环的分支
Building renewed node voltage equation for network with multiterminal components 对含多端元件网络建立改进的节点电压方程
Application of the Improved Node-voltage Method in Establishing Circuit Equation 改进的节点电压法在建立电路方程中的应用
To further study the problem of mine TDEM, the authors set up a model for the roadway and the abnormal body, and made numerical simulation of the transient field excited by a magnetic dipole source by using the seven node difference scheme of the diffusion equation. 为了进一步研究井中瞬变电磁法的问题,建立了巷道和异常体模型,用推导出的扩散方程的七点差分格式对磁偶极源激发的瞬变场进行了数值模拟。
In this paper, we propose an efficient power/ ground network solver, which include the absorption& resumption of the trees in the circuits and the method to solve the node voltage equation set by incomplete Cholesky decomposition conjugate gradient. 针对电源和地线网络的特殊性,提出了一个高效的电源和地线网络求解器,包括电路网络中树结构的合并与恢复和用不完全分解的预优共轭梯度法来求解节点电压方程。
A New Method to Set up Node Equation 建立网络节点方程的简便方法
Based on the different failure modes, this paper gives the equivalent circuit of any fault types, and lists the three-phase node voltage equation of the different fault types and fault node, and conducts failure analysis and calculation. 本文根据不同故障形式,建立电网各种故障类型的等值电路,并针对不同故障类型和故障节点列出故障条件下的三相节点电压方程,并进行故障分析计算。
Based on curved beam theory, the curved beam model of 6-DOF node single line is established and the kinetic equation is derived with the principle of virtual work. 基于曲梁理论,建立结点6自由度的单导线曲梁模型,根据虚功原理推导动力学方程。
And a new iterative equation was well constructed through improving the existing node equation method which enhanced the astringency of calculation. 对节点方程法进行改进,构造了新的迭代方程式,提高了计算收敛性。
Using the method of heat balance, discrete node equation was established. 利用热平衡法建立了节点离散方程。